369803 results for ""a""

  • command line interface refers to the use of text-based commands in a terminal application to take actions such as install or update software, and is part of setting up most CMSs and running SSGs; due to difficult to remember and easy to typo commands, typically for web developers, and not recommended for any general audience IndieWeb tools or software https://indieweb.org/CLI
    Loqi at 2024-11-01 22:52
  • The more I fiddle around with custom things on the web, the more github gets mentioned, despite my utter inability to understand any of it. I've managed to brute-force figure out how to download github files when I needed a mod or something for games, but in terms of actually understanding the UI or how to be a proper participant; utterly baffling
    fausphorus at 2024-11-01 22:52
  • Neocities has a great little CLI tool if you want to upload or download a bunch of files too
    [mattl] at 2024-11-01 22:52
  • And making pages on Neocities is really just a matter of creating a file on the folder called `whatever.html` and they add the innitial bits of code for you, so it's great for learning, even if you eventually leave
    nataliagruber at 2024-11-01 22:50
  • Neocities *has* been my big toe-dip into drafting something up. I'm glad it's got the apparent seal of approval as an option. I've been trying to disentangle myself from the google-verse with how it's increasingly veering into worrying territory, as much as they also offer a web-making platform
    fausphorus at 2024-11-01 22:50
  • I started on Neocities after a few years of not having a site (and before I was on Blogger) and I really enjoy it xD
    nataliagruber at 2024-11-01 22:49
  • [snarfed] like what would someone reading via a screen reader experience when viewing your post? "Tomorrowland / Walt Disney" out of context like that would seem nonsensical so presumably you don't want that read out loud
    [tantek] at 2024-11-01 22:49
  • that would be the right way to mark a separate element so get screen readers to skip it
    [tantek] at 2024-11-01 22:48
  • Neocities _is_ very beginner friendly for a place to begin seeing how stuff works
    nataliagruber at 2024-11-01 22:47
  • [snarfed] I'm also getting "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/oauth_dropins/webutil/util.py:2041: GuessedAtParserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently." I
    capjamesg[d] at 2024-11-01 22:47
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