367192 results for ""a""

  • for sites without the BF redirects, it shows a [bridged by Bridgy Fed ...] in the profile bio, with links
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-09 04:47
  • part of the rel=me feature request / confusion may be coming from the fact that in the BF UI there's a link called "Profile" where clicking on it leads to your page like https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com
    [tantek] at 2024-09-09 04:46
  • yeah it's a very reasonable reaction
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-09 04:46
  • no it's fine, having been following the evolution of BF bridges for a while. was just a little "surprised" since it showed up there without me explicitly creating it
    [tantek] at 2024-09-09 04:45
  • I could see an argument being made to add rel=me on https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com to the links to my website, as a discovery pathway, but I'm unsure of the use-case
    [tantek] at 2024-09-09 04:43
  • unrelated, just saw HTTP 525 just now, evidently a CloudFlare custom status for upstream SSL handshake failed, I guess a more-specific version of 502. https://http.cat/status/525
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-09 04:43
  • I'm getting lectured on rel=me in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1309 right now , and this is being advocated, but I'm not convinced, since BF isn't a separate account
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-09 04:31
  • https://www.morganwebdev.org/ I updated my website a little bit today, gave it a little bit of a ✂️ and changed some page labels.
    [morganm] at 2024-09-09 04:01
  • nah that's been the header for a pretty long time
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-09 02:31
  • [snarfed] Thanks, looking… Did you change the Accept header recently? I think it’s confused because the HTML is q=0.5 but the ActivityPub doesn’t have a weight.
    [manton] at 2024-09-09 02:19
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