218 results for "xyz/"

  • then we can expand the dfn to include a parenthetical (like doing abc with xyz) of a real indieweb example
    [tantek] at 2019-02-22 23:34
  • SL covers any xyz category one could want and gives better options for what gets syndicated or not. (especially since I tag lots of things as indieweb 🙄)
    [chrisaldrich] at 2019-02-17 17:28
  • no, but it's a still a shithole: eg. google structured data testing tool can't parse nested <a href="mailto:xyz@domain.com" property="email">xyz@domain.com</a> properly
    petermolnar at 2019-02-04 14:06
  • snarfed, right, for anything with an "account" destination. but IndieNews and XYZ don't have accounts
    [tantek] at 2019-01-25 23:46
  • The Weeklyish Summary – http://Indieweb.xyz 21 January 2019 https://indieseek.xyz/2019/01/21/the-weeklyish-summary-indieweb-xyz-21-january-2019/
    Loqi at 2019-01-21 19:08
  • But with xyz you can add new channels by creating a new tag...what if it ends up with dozens of tags
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-12-23 16:43
  • I think xyz should work by a single target plus p-category properties
    GWG at 2018-12-23 16:42
  • @gwg you could use a form field for xyz for people to add the tag
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-12-23 16:38
  • XYZ is a problem
    GWG at 2018-12-23 16:35
  • A badge (AKA achievement) is a visual indicator of completing some sort of accomplishment, usually associated with completing specific tasks within a system that is frequently recognized as "achievement unlocked", or "you unlocked the xyz badge!" https://indieweb.org/badges
    Loqi at 2018-12-14 00:24
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