3569 results for "nick:jeena"

  • I know that someone will ask me that, how many people are in the IndieWeb community
    Jeena at 2016-01-19 20:56
  • ah
    Jeena at 2016-01-13 22:26
  • Oh Nuernberg, not Duesseldorf
    Jeena at 2016-01-13 22:24
  • somewhere I read that there will be a Indie Web Camp in Duesseldorf in April or something, do we know the date
    Jeena at 2016-01-13 22:23
  • a lonish german article about the IndieWeb http://screengui.de/26/indieweb
    Jeena at 2016-01-12 15:15
  • haha unintentional
    Jeena at 2016-01-07 19:38
  • poem
    Jeena at 2016-01-07 19:36
  • I have a oem
    Jeena at 2016-01-07 19:36
  • So next week the first HWC in GOT this year, don't miss it if you're somewhere near! https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2016-01-13-homebrew-website-club
    Jeena at 2016-01-07 19:33
  • interesting, some guys here at the customers office I work at now listen to one of KevinMarks podcasts and got interested in my IndieWeb talk at foss-gbg next month, cool stuff :D
    Jeena at 2016-01-07 12:11
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