1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • hence the "pub" in micropub ;)
    tantek at 2016-07-07 00:49
  • voxpelli++ for another micropub implementation
    tantek at 2016-07-06 22:16
  • "voxpelli miklb: thinking about maybe squashing the history of the main micropub repo..."
    tantek at 2016-07-05 22:19
  • how about tweet notifications indieweb vs webmention/micropub etc. to indieweb-dev?
    tantek at 2016-07-05 22:13
  • hey adactio's post https://adactio.com/articles/10887 is awesome and I'm still not done reading it. so far mentions of microformats, XFN, rel=me, indieAuth, Micropub, IndieWebCamp, Bridgy, Webmention
    tantek at 2016-06-29 19:42
  • hey aaronpk did you point out in your talk that Micropub is a modern replacement for AtomPub? or is AtomPub so old and defunct now that no one has heard of it any more?
    tantek at 2016-06-23 01:15
  • what is indiepub?!?
    tantek at 2016-06-17 12:52
  • Barry is looking at implementing more Micropub (delete undelete update)
    tantek at 2016-06-15 20:08
  • ... Webmention, Micropub are working their way through these standards bodies
    tantek at 2016-06-09 20:40
  • we really need to add Micropub support to Noterlive
    tantek at 2016-06-08 21:02
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