results for "test"
Also, pytest has a timeout feature that prevents a test from running too long, which was nice to have.
2024-08-22 22:49
I ended up adding a feature to my pytest test suite that lets me provide a CLI argument to enter benchmarking mode, where the execution time of all tests are measured. The test suite ensures that execution time of each test is not over a certain maximum using`assert`.
2024-08-22 22:49
So my new job involves building automated web agents. Been having lots of fun building an obstacle course (https://challenge.xmit.dev). I'd be curious to get a list of problems around lack of accessibility to add test cases for them
2024-08-19 21:58
Also: what is the best way to test a Python file on Windows?
2024-08-08 00:31
I appreciate you asking! I wondered as I did it, but I usually develop this stuff pretty loosey-goose. I added json client metadata discovery support to my own IndieAuth endpoint just so I could test *publishing* this metadata and we lack testing tools all around
2024-08-04 15:52
I'd start with absolute for clarity and then do relative and relative with a base as test cases. Relative urls from feeds have been tricky before, especially combined with PuSH, so I imagine the AP caching stuff will also make it tricky.
2024-08-03 12:55
tempted to simplify the href to "/@tantek.com" because relative href parsing rules in HTML should produce the same result. curious what you think about that [snarfed] or if it is better to start with examples of absolute URLs so folks "get it" more easily, and then expand with test cases for rel-author discovery which can check things like relative href processing
2024-08-03 05:42
I'm opening up a test site to see what I can suggest
2024-08-02 05:08
aaaand webmentions 1.0 done for my site, at least local links work as expected, need to test out some remote links at some point
2024-07-23 09:42
Would you mind sending me a webmention to nicksimson.com? I want to test this page now.
2024-07-19 22:29
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