1637362 results for "*"

  • I totally thought that was a bot related to the newer social media platform
    [aciccarello] at 2024-09-19 22:12
  • edited /TikTokBot (+71) "add indieweb relevance to dfn
    Loqi at 2024-09-19 20:29
  • Bummer about Hexchat. I'm still on it
    gRegor at 2024-09-19 19:45
  • if you find particularly nice examples, please screenshot and add to /edit
    [tantek] at 2024-09-19 18:39
  • nice thing is there's lots of existing UI work for this you can draw inspiration from
    [tantek] at 2024-09-19 18:38
  • That said, showing the changes inline with a button to jump to the next and previous changes, and a link to the raw .patch somewhere, is probably the idea version of this
    thepaperpilot at 2024-09-19 18:38
  • yeah I think GH has some helpful UI here, in displaying both a "diff" view and a "end result of applying the edit" view and allowing users to toggle between them
    [tantek] at 2024-09-19 18:38
  • Plus way more likely for a micropub client to be able to parse than a boutique method
    thepaperpilot at 2024-09-19 18:33
  • Alright, I could refer to them as edit posts in the UI, then. I think rendering the patch still makes sense, as it's fairly readable and far more practical to implement than inline rendering or some other alternative
    thepaperpilot at 2024-09-19 18:31
  • git is just storage plumbing, just like MySQL. it's not special
    [tantek] at 2024-09-19 18:24
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