1113 results for "fail"

  • it's in the disqus section on any of your posts, just wait for it to try to load and fail
    snarfed at 2015-12-29 19:13
  • if you rediscover the endpionts with the new "me" url, then your request for verification or aaronparecki.com with aaronparecki.com's token endpoit will fail
    kylewm at 2015-12-20 19:36
  • tantek, can you file an issue on mf2py for the link parsing fail
    KevinMarks at 2015-12-11 20:16
  • PyOfWave was an attempt to combine email, IM, forums, wikis, etc. into one system, that hoped to "undo whatever it was that made Google Wave fail".
    kylewm at 2015-12-11 17:42
  • fail
    KevinMarks_ at 2015-12-08 23:54
  • https://github.com/converspace/webmention/blob/master/README.md#verification says you have to fetch target (at some point) and check for a backlink. it doesn't say you can't fail for other reasons though
    snarfed at 2015-11-30 01:21
  • fail
    bear at 2015-11-15 01:12
  • GWG: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 36 minutes ago: its weird, any ajax post seems to always fail http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-11-12/line/1447334721994
    Loqi at 2015-11-12 15:01
  • !tell GWG its weird, any ajax post seems to always fail
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2015-11-12 14:25
  • last I checked it didn't hard-fail but maybe they changed it
    strugee at 2015-11-10 04:46
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