367116 results for ""a""

  • It’s sad that JEJ is gone but at least he lived to be 93 and had a rich life full of a lot of impact on others.
    [fluffy] at 2024-09-10 00:39
  • I'm taking a week away from those spaces but between this and JEJ passing, the week is off to a rough start
    [jacky] at 2024-09-10 00:39
  • And I could go into a bunch more technical details but that *would* be #indieweb-dev material.
    [fluffy] at 2024-09-10 00:36
  • yeah. Cohost was yet another site that was built like an app but absolutely didn’t need to be, and the app-like design led to a lot of major technical challenges.
    [fluffy] at 2024-09-10 00:36
  • If anything, it's a lesson for anyone (or anything) that comes next
    [jacky] at 2024-09-10 00:35
  • But I also had a very low level of confidence in their technical abilities due to a lot of the fundamental ways that the site was designed, and a lot of it reeked of them making things harder on themselves because that is How Software Is Made Today and not because of any insight into how to build something sustainable and maintainable.
    [fluffy] at 2024-09-10 00:34
  • yeah they'd previously talked about this anonymous investor a bit more
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-10 00:32
  • Should there be a data migration tool? I know nothing of what they delivered
    pcarrier at 2024-09-10 00:30
  • Yeah that part wasn’t super clear. In any case they definitely set themselves up for failure from a financial standpoint, in ways that might have gone better if it were an opensource project that could take community contributions especially in terms of code.
    [fluffy] at 2024-09-10 00:30
  • (even if the investment was structured as a SAFE or convertible note etc)
    [snarfed] at 2024-09-10 00:29
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