1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • GWG, both Webmention and Micropub are REST APIs
    tantek at 2017-04-03 07:55
  • a micropub client could set dt-created and also post-status=draft per https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Post_Status
    tantek at 2017-03-31 23:51
  • waits for aaronpk to figure out a way to display marginalia on the Micropub spec from links to those fragment anchors
    tantek at 2017-03-31 21:12
  • aaronpk, ok, bonus round: how would a micropub client tell a micropub server to "post" and send webmentions for a "... is typing ..." h-entry? i.e. no dt-published?
    tantek at 2017-03-31 20:49
  • yes, Micropub support in Day One would be great
    tantek at 2017-03-31 19:43
  • As we wait for the Micropub Proposed Recommendation, the # of implementations keeps growing
    tantek at 2017-03-29 23:09
  • I'd guess that most "simple" apps would be just fine with the functionality offered by micropub
    tantek at 2017-03-29 18:11
  • if pnut were to support Micropub as a server, then someone building a pnut app would have to decide between supporting *just* pnut, or pnut + other servers
    tantek at 2017-03-29 18:10
  • which should be doable since there are already numerous Micropub clients that would "just work"
    tantek at 2017-03-29 18:07
  • aaronpk: I believe one way is to get pnut to support Micropub server APIs
    tantek at 2017-03-29 18:07
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