1688 results for "nginx"

  • [bnfinet] lasso: an SSO and OAuth login solution for nginx using the auth_request module
    Loqi at 2017-11-21 18:33
  • anyone know offhand how I can have nginx use the result of a subrequest to decide how to handle the actual request? some kind of access control feature/module?
    sknebel at 2017-11-21 18:32
  • It is a limitation of the protocol implementation in openSSL as used by nginx. If my research has been good.
    Zegnat at 2017-11-20 16:14
  • oh sure but I don't think that's an nginx limitation, that sounds like a protocol limitation
    aaronpk at 2017-11-20 16:14
  • Zegnat: nginx can handle different ssl settings per vhost
    aaronpk at 2017-11-20 16:12
  • I was going to go with https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ until I learned that nginx can’t handle separate settings per vhost, so I need to decide on one.
    Zegnat at 2017-11-20 16:11
  • Basically I am procrastinating with other server stuff so I do not have to wrangle with nginx and my ssl set-up for now
    Zegnat at 2017-11-20 16:08
  • to be fair, I treat basically anything outside of webdev as black magic, petermolnar. I am still salty about nginx not being able to do what I wanted
    Zegnat at 2017-11-20 12:14
  • wagle: sounds like the easiest would be to put baz.com www.baz.com on their own nginx <server> block and redirect to foo.com in that
    sknebel at 2017-11-17 19:16
  • baz.com is also a A pointing to that ipaddress, nginx treats it the same as www.foo.com, but wp gets confused
    wagle at 2017-11-17 19:12
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