results for "javascript need"
JS isn't really my area, but I think that the issue is related to javascript objects. I need to do some reading
2017-03-25 20:12
jaduncan, sknebel thanks for your help. I've fixed and tested on chrome, if you're interested in testing again you will need to reload the page to get the updated javascript
2017-03-04 09:18
so it sounds like i'd need at least one implementation report for a micropub server that sends CORS headers to allow posting via javascript from other domains
2017-02-23 20:49
tantek, http://indiechat.search.cweiske.de/?q=javascript+need&sort=date
2016-11-14 20:30
[indieweb] "“If it’s not curlable, it’s not on the web.” ? @jkphl js:dr in print! Thanks to Joschi for the photograph of page 88 of @heydonworks’s new book “Inclusive Design Patterns”. From: https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/792452368562618369 This book will last longer than all your fashionable JS frameworks no matter what your coding schools are teaching you. Except maybe jQuery. You can still use jQuery to build reliable web sites. #IndieWeb #JavaScript #content #curlable #jsdr #book #hardcopy #printmedialives When I showed this photo yesterday to @adactio, he noted that the quote from my js;dr post: tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead “If it’s not curlable, it’s not on the web.” sounded like something @benward had said in one of his blog posts from long ago. So we both researched it last night and found this post of Ben’s from 2011-02-11 “Hash, Bang, Wallop” https://benward.uk/blog/tumblr-3231388630 In which he notes: “(It turns out that it was me who wrote “if site content doesn’t load through curl it’s broken”, and I'll stand by that.)” Where the phrase “who wrote” links to: developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2010/10/how-many-users-have-javascript-disabled/#comment-17071 Unfortunately that link now 404s. I assumed it was due to Yahoo shutting down all of YDN and so found this archive.org version instead (as noted tantek.com/2016/311/t1/site-content-load-through-curl) https://web.archive.org/web/20101016010319/http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2010/10/how-many-users-have-javascript-disabled/#comment-17071 While writing this post, and about to claim that YDN shut down (it did not), I double checked and remnants remained (top level blog URL etc). There was no archive navigation (I’m not one to talk, I still need to build that on my site, maybe today at IndieWebCamp LA), so I paged through the "Previous" pages of the blog (eventually hacking the URL directly) and found: “How many users have JavaScript disabled?” https://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/many-users-javascript-disabled-14121.html Looks like YDN changed their CMS and broke all their permalinks. This is pretty clear even from their own blog, e.g. the follow-up post to that post: “Followup: How many users have JavaScript disabled?” https://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/followup-many-users-javascript-disabled-16191.html Which itself still links to the old permalink of the post it is following-up to. In addition to breaking all their permalinks, they also removed all their comments, including Ben Ward’s comment, so we still have to go back to the archive.org link: https://web.archive.org/web/20101016010319/http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2010/10/how-many-users-have-javascript-disabled/#comment-17071 With Ben’s comment, which I’m going to quote in full because it provides a lot of the thinking behind js;dr before I wrote it up, and I figure providing yet another copy will help it stick around: @BenWard on 2011-10-13: “One additional pi" on 2016-11-06 http://tantek.com/2016/311/t3/js-dr-in-print
2016-11-06 18:08
If it hasn't been linked here yet and you need a good laugh: https://hackernoon.com/how-it-feels-to-learn-javascript-in-2016-d3a717dd577f
2016-10-04 05:10
2016-07-11 22:10
do I need to write a post on js;dn? Javascript required, didn't navigate
2016-06-23 01:03
thanks! for now, it's basically just an html page, one javascript and some css. i plan to make it a proper framework however, need to do more slides like that
2016-06-22 23:21
The web I want doesn't need JavaScript to render content, @Mozilla. [photo]
2016-06-11 05:21