1113 results for "fail"

  • [cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse (https://cleverdevil.io/2022/the-open-web-is-showing-its-resiliency)
    Loqi at 2022-12-16 19:44
  • [cleverdevil.club/@jonathan] The open web is showing its resiliency and longevity. Silos inevitably fail, while protocols and standards endure. #IndieWeb #Fediverse (https://cleverdevil.club/@jonathan/109524741840405435)
    Loqi at 2022-12-16 19:25
  • yes, it is. it tries to deliver to all inboxes, even if some fail, but only returns 200 if all succeed
    [snarfed]2 at 2022-12-14 15:49
  • yes but the whole model of blocking is very different. fedi instances curate blocklists to create a specific type of community. anti-capitalist instances define themselves by blocking corporate-friendly instances or instances with cops. queer instances block instances that fail to moderate queermisia. it sends a strong signal that "this is what the instance is about, and these are the people
    Seirdy at 2022-11-21 18:22
  • oops karma fail [snarfed]++
    aaronpk at 2022-11-21 03:12
  • but that would fail on that example anyway because of the www issue
    aaronpk at 2022-11-14 22:35
  • Hm, the Tailwind h-* stuff isn't ideal for the parsed results, but IWM does still show the first h-entry it finds even if it's nested. I suppose readers would probably fail, though. Monocle preview doesn't show the post.
    gRegor at 2022-11-14 22:27
  • snarfed: adactio touts the w3c priority of constituencies quite a bit in his talks about the web, progressive enhancement, making sure things fail well, etc.
    [schmarty] at 2022-11-14 20:18
  • The thing that kind of irks me about those kind of “x didn’t work in the past, so it won’t work now” types of posts is that they all make the assumption that the conditions that caused x to fail in the past are still present and equally valid today… following that line of thought, if something doesn’t work once, we should never try to do it again. That’s some stinky thinking right there
    [campegg] at 2022-11-14 16:55
  • my track record of expecting such "turnkey" step-by-step "assistants" to inexplicably fail and do a bad job continues.
    [tantek] at 2022-11-11 21:58
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