3569 results for "nick:jeena"

  • But the only way for me to contact him seems to be twitter
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:08
  • I wanted to ask him why here https://mlncn.withknown.com/2016/post-in-favor-of-lgbt-rights-family-friend-asks-something/annotations/f8fdbb48acf993d8d62da8e252f189c9 he didn't do a in-reply-to to https://mlncn.withknown.com/2016/post-in-favor-of-lgbt-rights-family-friend-asks-something so I would get a webmention and be aware of his comment
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:07
  • because it's not supported by that particular website
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:04
  • I don't want to write a long post first and then send it and then find out that it didn't arrive
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:03
  • Somehow our UI is bad in telling people what is possible and what not
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:02
  • with comments I at least see that they end up on his website
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:01
  • I went to his website to find an email address or something but there is none. I could try to send a webmention to his homepage, but I can't really see if he will ever see it or if it just goes to Nirvana
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 04:00
  • On Twitter I just write @mlncn in my tweet and he gets mentioned and I know how to do it
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 03:59
  • So I have a Problem which is a fixed problem with Twitter but not possible with our websites. I would like to tell https://mlncn.withknown.com/ something, but I't like to initiate the discussion, not comment onsomething he wrote
    Jeena at 2016-03-11 03:58
  • i wonder which software he is using for his website https://jkphl.is/articles/indie-as-in-individuality/#comment-90 because he has the same bug as the wordpress plugin had where it deosn't make the author url absolute with the domain, etc
    Jeena at 2016-03-02 23:56
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