1113 results for "fail"

  • that was a fail. Try again in am.
    miklb at 2017-01-09 08:17
  • They all pretty much fail, but I think a lot of them are minor things, like php-mf2 puts the "T" separator in times but the test suite doesn't expect it.
    gRegorLove at 2017-01-08 23:22
  • [Greg] Wow – looks like GNU Social has actual webmention + microformats2 integration… but it’s not enabled by default and no instance admins bothered to enable it. Fail. On a more positive note, quitter.se runs on FreeBSD :)...
    Loqi at 2017-01-06 18:23
  • and an implementation report: https://micropub.rocks/implementation-report/server/22/7jxMqEHSowtm0DrDVTDm thought it would fail more
    voxpelli at 2017-01-03 20:51
  • aaronpk's recursive fail :)
    cweiske at 2017-01-02 15:11
  • it seems like a few entries, which a vast amount of pictures fail to completely load when you have all those intermediate sizes listed as well
    petermolnar at 2016-12-31 19:55
  • which is nasty and most parsers fail to parse that right
    petermolnar at 2016-12-22 14:33
  • i should probably add that, but I probably won't until I see some links that fail without it
    aaronpk at 2016-12-20 03:08
  • at some point i upgraded my system postgresql, so now all my gitlab upgrades fail at the backup step until i replace gitlab's pg_dump binary with the system one
    martymcguire[m] at 2016-12-16 16:32
  • yeah, it should fail on that one, but then once it does, it should try with q=syndicate-to
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2016-12-06 22:28
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