1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • now that I created the Github Bridgy org, I noticed something else new in the oauth prompt for Bridgy Pub to Github
    tantek at 2018-02-11 18:30
  • (Micropub implementation discussions in general)
    tantek at 2018-02-05 23:38
  • worth reading, regardless of your opinion on ActivityPub, Diaspora, or any other attempts at Federation. The analysis here and specifics are worth taking to heart: http://schub.io/blog/2018/02/01/activitypub-one-protocol-to-rule-them-all.html
    tantek at 2018-02-01 18:21
  • Love the micropub server-in-45-min and offlineposting sessions in particular
    [tantek] at 2018-01-21 06:32
  • Ghost << Criticism: 2018-01-04 Johnathan Lyman: [https://johnathan.org/2018/01/from-ghost-to-wordpress.html From Ghost to WordPress] <blockquote>… No intention on supporting [[Micropub|MicroPub]]. … Extensibility is non-existent. … Poor content organization. … Poor performance. …</blockquote>
    tantek at 2018-01-06 22:47
  • WordPress Micropub is /Micropub_for_WordPress
    tantek at 2018-01-05 05:02
  • WordPress Micropub Server is /Micropub_for_WordPress
    tantek at 2018-01-05 05:02
  • what is WordPress Micropub
    tantek at 2018-01-05 04:58
  • what is WordPress Micropub Server
    tantek at 2018-01-05 04:57
  • aaronpk: do you know about this client? has there been any attempt to request Micropub support?
    tantek at 2017-12-28 03:29
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