71 results for "ChatGPT"

  • indeed: ChatGPT -> #indieweb-chat
    [tantek] at 2023-02-14 00:03
  • I like ChatGPT for inspiration to get into some topic I write about. Or to fill my texts with more meaningful words... Never thought about asking it the same questions I'd ask on google search... But maybe it's just a matter of time. So it could come down to the fact that in the future, presentation (layout, images, videos) will be the last reason people still resort to websites for research. But... Who knows?
    [chrisbergr] at 2023-02-13 22:42
  • <O​svik#8081> Hi. Have you participated in conversations on how the new Bing Chat might impact the open web? Me and some colleagues think that many users will be far less interested in visiting websites looking for answers when they can just ask the new powered ChatGPT Bing to produce an answer to their specific question. Yes I know ChatGPT gets facts wrong sometimes, but it’s likely that it will happen less and less in future iterations.
    IWDiscordRelay at 2023-02-13 22:02
  • As the saying goes: garbage in, garbage out. Use #tech like #chatGPT judiciously. From: @elgg@indieweb.social https://indieweb.social/@elgg@indieweb.social/109836228470165300
    Loqi at 2023-02-10 06:10
  • [preview] [Andy Baio] Personally, I wish that the "code red" response that ChatGPT inspired at Google wasn't to launch a dozen AI products that their red teams and AI ethicists have warned them not to release, but to combat the tsunami of AI-generated SEO spam bullshit th...
    Loqi at 2023-02-09 00:39
  • gotta hook loqi up to chatgpt for that
    aaronpk at 2023-02-03 02:40
  • Wow it’s an actual account though maybe not a real person. The posts read like something from chatgpt
    [tantek] at 2023-01-30 17:10
  • PIT{A} - Lean coffee for Product People - met for our 41st time this week! We talked about startup funding, working in non-profits, ChatGPT, and if you need to be good at making slide decks to be a Product Manager. Shoutouts to Russell Davies,… https://indieweb.social/@randysilver/109760972438626538
    Loqi at 2023-01-27 12:40
  • Remember when journalists used to make fun of bloggers as not being "real" journalists? (I know [KevinMarks] remembers), so now this: https://gizmodo.com/cnet-chatgpt-ai-articles-publish-for-months-1849976921
    [tantek] at 2023-01-19 19:21
  • [indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] My First. Ever. Blog Post!!! I'm very proud 🦚 And humbly open to any and all feedback!https://foreverliketh.is/blog/chatgpt-student-report-card-comments/#chatgpt #ai #technology #education #teaching #edtech #blog #indieweb #hugo (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109696902860658867)
    Loqi at 2023-01-16 05:18
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