3569 results for "nick:jeena"

  • Trying to do what I learned at the IWC in Nuernberg and already released the next HWC event in GOT https://jeena.net/events/17 more than one week before, I also will print a couple of posters to get them to the university
    Jeena at 2016-04-23 21:24
  • oh wait it was me, I am parsing the source-view
    Jeena at 2016-04-20 11:43
  • what is wrong here, bridgy or the parser? http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=view-source%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fbrid-gy.appspot.com%2Frsvp%2Ffacebook%2F728407677%2F1775044946048387%2F10152931952860399
    Jeena at 2016-04-20 11:35
  • !tell tantek yeah, I'm in Burgpreppach this week, in two weeks again, and I will post it earlier this time and will try the tips I got during the community session yesterday
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 21:21
  • the old posts still have his old profile photos
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:45
  • he updated his profile photo
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:44
  • and what he was singing before
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:43
  • he plays the file now and we can hear the Pure Data effects
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:43
  • he now replaces the src attribute of the audio tag to the path to the file on the same note
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:42
  • he copies the file to somewhere public
    Jeena at 2016-04-17 17:42
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