52293 results for "post"

  • I was just trying to see if there was some setup I could have to minimize site maintenance anytime I post a new article. But I will just do it the usual way haha
    Kaguneh at 2024-08-06 03:34
  • Anyone else see [benatwork]'s post (in #indieweb-stream) or heard of or participating in Blaugust and want to stub a page on it?
    [tantek] at 2024-08-06 03:16
  • Not my utter best writing but I am so happy today, a blog post that I wrote about a year ago and didnt get a lot of enthusiasm for or at least it felt flat at the time, now has a new enthused reader who works in civic tech and may influence web performance policies https://www.morganwebdev.org/posts/guidelines/
    [morganm] at 2024-08-05 22:09
  • "nothing" is maybe an exaggeration, it's obviously harder to write a long timely post than a short one, but agreed that they're not the same thing
    [snarfed] at 2024-08-05 21:25
  • [snarfed] length or post type has nothing to do with it. I've written long notes and short articles.
    [tantek] at 2024-08-05 20:30
  • I am considering a tactic of timely posts that are a one-sentence summary of the timely facts. optional one sentence summary of how it felt/feels. optional "Previously" section that links to prior posts on the topic, and finally, closing with a line of hashtags so you can more easily find the post in the future (to link to it from the eventual more thorough post).
    [tantek] at 2024-08-05 19:56
  • I am relearning the seemingly obvious trade-off of that you can publish a post that is timely, or (even only reasonably) thorough, but not both.
    [tantek] at 2024-08-05 19:54
  • Good post on cascade layers https://www.matuzo.at/blog/2023/cascade-layers-are-useless - one for future FReSH
    [KevinMarks] at 2024-08-04 13:20
  • [edit] managed to make enough of a micropub endpoint last night to post from quill :3 https://catgirlin.space/activity/184/
    catgirlin.space at 2024-08-04 03:34
  • managed to make enough of a micropub endpoint last night to post from quill :3 https://catgirlin.space/activity/184/
    catgirlin.space at 2024-08-04 03:34
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