367089 results for ""a""

  • There's no particular purity test to pass - you will find that IndieWeb values and usage are a spectrum and if you are owning your own stuff and serving your readers and users that's a win!
    [Joe_Crawford] at 2024-09-12 21:08
  • Welcome popranger[d] it was great to have you join - the tip about Google DevTools Workspaces was a nice surprise
    artlung at 2024-09-12 21:06
  • [edit] Hey, I'm Patrick from the meeting, I actually thought i joined the IndieWeb group in the past, but that wasn't this active so i must have taken a wrong turn that left me believing indie hacking is terminally on the IUCN red list. On exploring IndieWeb.org more yesterday and since i'm busy building a business to break out of the corporate framework MLM industry, i found out about the meeting today and that this is not the dis
    popranger at 2024-09-12 21:00
  • Hey, I'm Patrick from the meeting, I actually thought i joined the IndieWeb group in the past, but that wasn't this active so i must have taken a wrong turn that left me believing indie hacking is on the IUCN red list. On exploring IndieWeb.org more yesterday and since i'm busy building a business to break out of the corporate framework MLM industry, i found out about the meeting today and that this is not the discord i thought i w
    popranger at 2024-09-12 20:59
  • Nah fair enough. This link is a declarative checklist of things to do: build picture with avif and jpeg as a fallback, produce multiple sizes, lazy loading and decoding. Also set the size in html to avoid reflow on load.
    pcarrier at 2024-09-12 20:41
  • I saw something the other day with a link to http://myopenid.com and suddenly I was 20 years younger.
    [mattl] at 2024-09-12 20:39
  • [edit] If you use 11ty you get all the picture things in a few lines of code. https://github.com/pcarrier/blog/blob/613792ed4f39edee7c8140a432afe73224121778/.eleventy.js#L15
    pcarrier at 2024-09-12 20:39
  • [edit] If you use 11ty you get all the picture things in a few lines of code. https://github.com/pcarrier/blog/blob/613792ed4f39edee7c8140a432afe73224121778/.eleventy.js#L15
    pcarrier at 2024-09-12 20:39
  • [edit] If you use 11ty you get all the picture things in a few lines of code. https://github.com/pcarrier/blog/blob/613792ed4f39edee7c8140a432afe73224121778/.eleventy.js#L15
    pcarrier at 2024-09-12 20:38
  • If you use 11ty you get all the picture things in a few lines of code. https://github.com/pcarrier/blog/blob/613792ed4f39edee7c8140a432afe73224121778/.eleventy.js#L15
    pcarrier at 2024-09-12 20:38
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