1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • [jgmac1106] do you have a link for Live Binder and/or how it is relevant to IndieWeb? Are you asking them to support Micropub? etc.
    [tantek] at 2019-02-08 23:20
  • as in I post a reply to an ActivityPub supporting site on my own site, Micro.blog picks it up from my h-feed, notices that it is a reply to an ActivityPub post, then does the ActivityPub protocol bits for me
    [tantek] at 2019-02-07 01:02
  • [jgmac1106] agreed, and that gives me another idea. personal site -> Micro.blog -> ActivityPub syndication or maybe direct Federation
    [tantek] at 2019-02-07 01:01
  • Asuh yes micropub in particular
    [tantek] at 2019-02-01 21:20
  • Asuh could you file an issue requesting Micropub support?
    [tantek] at 2019-02-01 21:18
  • sl007 thanks for the update - shall we make some of those details more clear on the wiki page? E.g. it would be great if we could list some additional details like cwebber will be there, and that there will be ActivityPub discussions, note which room you will be in, etc.
    [tantek] at 2019-01-26 10:34
  • anonymous micropub!
    [tantek] at 2019-01-25 23:51
  • yes because it makes sense for Bridgy and will help us understand another Micropub use-case
    [tantek] at 2019-01-25 23:46
  • [aaronpk] I think it's time to consider another IndieWeb blog post (Micropub?) for the Mozilla Hacks blog
    [tantek] at 2019-01-07 20:13
  • I'd say it might be interesting to get Flickr to support IndieAuth (as part of replacing Yahoo login), then Micropub as a posting API, as well as WebSub for realtime notifications from their feeds
    [tantek] at 2019-01-07 17:45
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