3569 results for "nick:jeena"

  • Can someone who understands the twitter API explain to me how i am counting the length of my string wrong? https://gist.github.com/jeena/8a154b7f8f31fc832f9a701a2a7ea651
    Jeena at 2016-05-26 23:47
  • !tell kylewm I had installation problems on OS X, when I moved to my laptop with Arch everything worked once I found out how to do it
    Jeena at 2016-05-22 09:22
  • oh and one more thing, I had to comment in that it would run on the port 3000
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:54
  • and it isn't documented that it needs redis
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:40
  • but I saw that in the making in a pullrequest already too
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:37
  • so I had to upgrade it to the next version
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:37
  • and with it uwsgi didn't compile
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:37
  • oh but you're right, I needed a small patch on Arch because it uses gcc 6
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:36
  • and it didn't work on os x, it always crashed
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:35
  • I didn't need ta patch it but It doesn't work with sqlite anymore, only with postgres
    Jeena at 2016-05-21 02:35
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