42 results for "nick:btrem review"

  • It would have to find the u-url property, then traverse up the tree to see if there’s a parent mf root property like h-review. The other properties are direct links.
    btrem at 2021-12-08 20:58
  • I’m not sure I follow. aaronpk says webmention.io “should be doing is falling back to the HTML and ignoring the microformats if it doesn't recognize the vocab.” But h-review is a microformat. So does webmenions.io not recognize h-review? Hmm, now that I think about it, probably not.
    btrem at 2021-12-08 20:57
  • So I suppose my source must have one of those properties. That is, being an h-review, with a microformats p-item u-url set to the target, is not enough.
    btrem at 2021-12-08 10:02
  • But when I send a webmention to webmention.io, with source set to the h-review, and target set to the h-recipe, webmention.io reports:
    btrem at 2021-12-08 09:48
  • Right. So I have a page that is an h-review of another page, an h-recipe. The h-review has a p-item that is set to h-review, and has a url pointing to that h-recipe page.
    btrem at 2021-12-08 09:48
  • Webmention question: if I have an h-review with a link to another page, is that a webmention?
    btrem at 2021-12-08 09:41
  • If one wants to “own her/his own reviews” as Aaron Parecki suggests (https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/17/8/owning-my-reviews), and one reviews recipes on any of the sites I listed, then surely h-review is the microformat to use, isn’t it?
    btrem at 2021-12-06 11:13
  • The h-review page lists several microformats that might be nested in p-item. I’ve added h-recipe. If that’s incorrect (if h-recipe should *not* be in that list), please let me know and I’ll revert the change.
    btrem at 2021-12-05 23:05
  • Just verifying: in the microformats github account, there are repos for h-feed and h-entry (among many others), but no repo for h-recipe, nor h-review. Is that correct?
    btrem at 2021-12-05 22:53
  • I need a way to track my sauerkraut and other ferment recipes. It occurred to me that I could use my website to do that. And I could mark up each ferment with h-recipe. Then, when I open the jar in a few weeks or months, I could add h-review to rate how it tastes, how crunchy it is, etc.
    btrem at 2021-10-20 02:51
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