results for "javascript need"
Do you need the ability to, say, schedule posts? Or have comment sections? Do you want to accept live webmentions and have them published directly on your site, or is it okay to have them happen via JavaScript embed?
2019-08-12 04:51
It depends on your setup. With webmention.io you can add some Javascript to your template to collect the incoming replies. Also you need to add the correct endpoint to your templates.
2019-06-25 17:41
@Sphinx_Twitt @MozDevNet @chrisdavidmills @sheppy grrrrr when you layout the entire article outline and then Discourse fails (why you need this much javascript for what is basically a bulletin board is beyond me) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9a-HOEW4AA966T.jpg
2019-06-19 13:36
↩️ You are right that would be out #dev channel https://indieweb.org/discuss though you will find it opinionated around the idea that 95% of the web doesn't need some new fangled front end framework when HTML/CSS and just a dash of javascript will do. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1Qw9X9)
2019-04-19 12:14
thinking this is what I need? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/574944/how-to-load-up-css-files-using-javascript
2019-02-21 13:28
I am still not clear what you want to do. Neither PHP nor JavaScript is going to automatically store any data. If you want the form to be submitted and then stored on the server, you will need to have server-side storage code
2019-02-18 15:46
Github seems to find security issues in every project that uses some javascript build tools. When every tool results in a few hundred dependencies, good chance there is some issue with one of them. (of course one can wonder why do we need so many build tools and dependencies.. I'd gladly see the javascript ecosystem move beyond that somehow)
2019-02-06 15:02
thx, once I get those somewhere close I need to start on the javascript functions in the badge builder......just need to go through code with a chainsaw first to strip away Open Badges stuff
2018-10-04 18:08
So until I have a much better understanding of javascript, I think I need to bumble along the way I am going.
2018-09-16 15:28
another reminder, I need to figure out what's broken in Safari 12.1 causing that javascript to beachball the tab.
2018-08-25 02:57