2822 results for "nick:*discord"

  • I wonder how discord chat names show up in the archives
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-24 04:17
  • huzzah! I had a micro.blog that was just sitting and I didnt know how I would ever utilize it. Now I have to cross posting from my known to my mastodon instance ❤️ My last query in regard to the cross posting, is there a set schedule it will pull from? Or is it instant (or near instant) and automatic
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-23 22:33
  • One would assume ICANN. Which is why I hope that handshake domains really will take off, and browsers will build in the necesarry components to display them. I have a fantastic domain that is a HS domain, but because so few people use the browsers needed to display them, and even know what they are to begin with, I am beholden as most are to ICANN and their stupid rules and regulations. Like on how a .us TLD can n
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-23 21:56
  • So the issue with RSS (Which I am familiar with broadly) I read the known documentation about RSS and not sure how to actually get that set up with known. So I have the static page plugin active and used it to make the about me page. But to put an RSS page together is boggling my mind. ((Also thank you all for putting up with my incessant questions
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-23 19:24
  • capjamesg[d]: Thank you! I put that in my bookmarks for when I wake up
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-23 12:54
  • https://about.werd.io So I know this is going to seem like an exceptionally noob-ish question. How do I make a page like this? I am wanting to create an about me page that is similarly formatted. Thought this would be a simple HTML page but upon inspection it looks more complicated
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-23 04:22
  • I keep a list of radio stations I like to tune in to. Most have web streams. https://nicksimson.com/radio
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-22 23:55
  • I saw your response, [Tim_Nolte]. I am sure it will still work as I'm using the Blog-User profile, but I went ahead and redirected the /author/nick path to my homepage. Thanks
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-22 20:45
  • 😂Oh!! Okay! Now I can put a face to a name! Tomorrow when I wake up I’ll give Bridgy-Fed a look over and see what it looks like 🙂 thank you for the guidance! Still figuring out the whole indie web fediverse thing
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-22 11:39
  • T_T Is there a way to do it
    IWDiscord at 2024-01-22 06:08
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