1113 results for "fail"

  • my site will fail that one: I just fetch, that's easier.
    sebsel at 2019-05-24 21:52
  • travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#rows-that-are-allowed-to-fail can be used to allow Nightly builds to fail
    jamietanna|wwwjv at 2019-05-19 10:34
  • ok but i fail to see how that then results in this schema
    aaronpk at 2019-04-16 17:55
  • sounds like granary's emit invalid jsonfeed. should it maybe be stricter on jsonfeed output and fail (return http 400) if there's no content?
    snarfed at 2019-04-11 20:33
  • For a client, it would just fail, but even Indigenous for Android didn't explain why well
    GWG at 2019-04-11 14:43
  • fluffy: just saw your note about the webring. i think i have the webring keeping track of the state parameter in a cookie, so it can fail if cookies are blocked. that's all that comes to mind at the moment! happy to help debug if we can sync up.
    [schmarty] at 2019-04-10 17:04
  • Try 1001 on the guestbook is a fail, hope I am getting closer. I tried remixing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6fRyBSNRBA&t=1122s into this https://github.com/jgmac1106/guestbook but failed somewhere on the way. Cant get https://jgregorymcverry.com/guestbook.php to even load #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1m1so0)
    Loqi at 2019-04-08 12:42
  • .@aaronpk is raking in @CSS-cash. King of #indieweb (make sure you check out this punk rock, web-fail: you could have owned your @Twitter and god knows what else if @T ruled the #www-orld), #webmentions, #100DaysofMusic, and what i had to drink https://whatgetsmehot.blogspot.com/2019/04/aaron-parecki-drank-write-post-king-of.html
    Loqi at 2019-04-07 08:46
  • .@aaronpk is raking in @CSS-cash. King of #indieweb (make sure you check out this punk rock, web-fail: you could have owned your @Twitter and god knows what else if @T ruled the #www-orld), #webmentions, #100DaysofMusic, and what i had to drink https://whatgetsmehot.blogspot.com/2019/04/aaron-parecki-drank-write-post-king-of.html
    Loqi at 2019-04-07 08:46
  • You can remix my book on Glitch when I am done... It's the drafting part they all fail at. Publishing is easy
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-03-26 01:55
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