52293 results for "post"

  • lol or maybe some of us obsess so much before posting we post a lot less 😅
    [tantek] at 2024-09-15 16:21
  • interesting on the difficulties of a modern reader https://www.threads.net/@aaronrosspowell/post/C_1aWaeMqB5
    [KevinMarks] at 2024-09-15 14:16
  • Yep. That might be a different post, in terms of going into the Mastodon specifics.
    [manton] at 2024-09-15 03:23
  • Was just writing: That sounds like it might be worth a longer blog post to explain how Micropub+Microsub works as an Mastodon client API replacement!
    [tantek] at 2024-09-15 03:22
  • I actually starting writing a blog post about this today. Mostly as a way to clarify my own thinning. Will post it in the next day or two.
    [manton] at 2024-09-15 03:21
  • https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/ssh_signatures
    doesnm at 2024-09-14 20:41
  • It doesn't seem like micro.blog can post threads to social—self-replies are not crossposting. Can anyone confirm or help me troubleshoot
    clementcomposer at 2024-09-14 20:22
  • If I were to use indiekit to make a post based on a url (e.g. like or bookmark), would it parse the contents at that link for an h-card (or og properties) and pass that along to the template?
    thepaperpilot at 2024-09-14 16:01
  • Generally there is no point in creating new markup for new post types unless you also have a plan for what is going to consume the markup
    aaronpk at 2024-09-14 04:59
  • I was wondering, if I wanted to make a new post type for my released games, how should I go about it? Should I come up with a term more abstract than game? How would I mark down an embeddable iframe or a download for said game?
    thepaperpilot at 2024-09-14 04:52
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