1636928 results for "*"

  • Maybe I’m misunderstanding
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-20 20:19
  • If discovery is an issue, could a quick and easy solution be a top page on your domain which links out to each thing? Then they can all stay their own things and you can get on with writing in whichever suits the content
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-20 20:19
  • ProcessWire is an open source PHP content management system/content management framework https://indieweb.org/ProcessWire
    Loqi at 2024-09-20 20:19
  • what is processwire
    [mattl] at 2024-09-20 20:19
  • Let me find the feed I have put into mb
    gRegor at 2024-09-20 20:19
  • Yeah, I use ProcessWire CMS and most of my feeds are generated by converting mf2, using /granary
    gRegor at 2024-09-20 20:18
  • I think a WP blog, whatever domain/subdomain it's hosted at, should work pretty well for that out of the box, since it has RSS/Atom feeds
    gRegor at 2024-09-20 20:18
  • [preview] [gRegor Morrill] My friend Catherine is publishing her first book of poetry on Monday, September 16! Barely a Whisper: Poems from the Heart of a Woman Re-becoming. Please check it out
    Loqi at 2024-09-20 20:18
  • https://gregorlove.com/2024/09/my-friend-catherine/ vs https://gregorlove.com/2024/07/do-you-still-worry-about-covid/ -- are those published using the same software
    [mattl] at 2024-09-20 20:18
  • I'm happy to do whatever I need. Right now I'm basically looking for a solution to all of this so I can actually get on on and write stuff. Right now I don't write stuff because there's nowhere for anyone who doesn't know how to find my various subdomains to find stuff
    [mattl] at 2024-09-20 20:17
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