1113 results for "fail"

  • <[tonz] "Anyone here posting in WP in mul"> let me know if you find a way to mark posts for languages that plays nice with post-kinds and alike [tonz] . Really looking for something simple that let's me set this _by post_ and not mess up the whole website and it's treams. Not looking to seperate things but I'd like to have semantic lang tag set correct. The major plugins all fail on that. too many features.
    beko[m] at 2019-10-10 11:09
  • My one @IndieWebCamp NYC fail is being able to access /readings on my site. Ever since I edited my .htaccess to remove file extensions I can't get there. Any help?? here is htaccess: https://github.com/jgmac1106/homepage/blob/master/.htaccess (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1prc1T)
    Loqi at 2019-10-06 22:40
  • yeah bridgy refreshes them daily but those refreshes often fail now
    [snarfed] at 2019-10-04 17:01
  • fun fact: 75-95% of automated bridgy publish attempts (ie via webmention) fail. has held true for years now. various reasons: updating old posts and re-sending wms, or including bridgy publish links in every post just in case, or html changes, etc. not a problem, just amusing.
    [snarfed] at 2019-10-04 16:51
  • Is it correct to say the only third party app that works with indieauth authentication is Github? twitter, Instagram and micropub all fail when I test this.
    [frank] at 2019-10-03 08:06
  • ↩️ We must withdraw our attention from the giant platforms and return to the #indieweb. If we fail to break our addiction to their profit-driven platforms, they’ll find a way around regulation. Kudos to @ewarren for causing them grief.
    Loqi at 2019-10-01 20:57
  • If so, no clue why it would fail on calling MySQL
    Zegnat at 2019-09-26 11:51
  • And as the tweet thread shows, new certs fail on the newest browsers that will run on old machines
    [tantek] at 2019-09-10 19:32
  • Zegnat: jeremycherfas left you a message on 2019-08-09 at 1:02pm UTC: If the people who create the stylesheet I want to use via CDN change the content of the stylesheet, then any hash I generate is going to fail, isn't it?
    Loqi at 2019-09-08 13:57
  • i fail 😐 https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/766
    [snarfed] at 2019-08-31 00:25
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