357 results for "nofollow"

  • recommendation had been to put nofollow on links that were comments
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2015-05-12 18:39
  • but that was true before too - nothing to do with nofollow
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:38
  • With the removal of nofollow from /Vouch, how do we link to [bad person] without acting as a vouch for them?
    gRegorLove at 2015-05-12 18:34
  • all nofollow did was allow pollution of content to humans while providing hints at the pollution to search engines
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:28
  • edited /Vouch (-33) "rm 2 instances of nofollow usage, make the 3rd (in old notes) optional since it's purpose is not clear"
    Loqi at 2015-05-12 18:26
  • right, nofollow has become quite pointless
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:26
  • main reason I've seen for nofollow has been for stuff like wikis, where anyone could make lists pointing at sites to bump up their link rating
    Vendan at 2015-05-12 18:25
  • so there's tons of nofollow links that are perfectly fine, as compared to comment spam (original motivation for nofollow)
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:24
  • every link on every post on every silo you post has nofollow on it, even though its on an account that you authenticated etc.
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:23
  • nofollow is basically noise at this point
    tantek at 2015-05-12 18:23
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