1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • barnaby, snarfed, if you want to document the specific concepts/APIs/tech in ActivityWeb or ActivityPush that look very much like direct predecessors to ActivityPub features, please free to add that (even just as prose) to /ActivityWeb and I’m happy to wiki-garden it
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 22:32
  • [snarfed] I'd be curious of your opinion of https://github.com/converspace/activitypush-specification (it's a very short read) and if it even vaguely resembles (either conceptually or actually) how ActivityPub works
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 21:59
  • fascinating, ActivityPush (2012 era) sounds A LOT like a predecessor to ActivityPub, and even uses JSON-based API as well.
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 21:57
  • also demonstrate working with a domain that had IndieAuth but no Micropub server support
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 19:33
  • barnaby, man many years ago at IWS a bunch of us, myself, aaronpk, a few others, joked about a minimal (demo) Micropub client that literally allowed you one of everything. one post, one like, one following
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 19:30
  • micropub to your site to twitter is not "micropub to silos". your site fully owns the responsibility there and that has nothing to do with micropub IMO
    [tantek] at 2022-12-21 19:31
  • agreed that Micropub to silos can be lossy, however, I believe that is the responsibility of the Micropub client to clearly communicate to the user (the limitations of the "server" (silo) that they are posting to
    [tantek] at 2022-12-21 19:24
  • whereas with Micropub, the receiving server is very much expected to treat the client request with precise fidelity
    [tantek] at 2022-12-21 19:19
  • Micropub is a higher-fidelity more explicit protocol so that makes sense
    [tantek] at 2022-12-21 19:17
  • there's also the question of should we keep one big flat client list for ALL Micropub clients, or should we cluster them into "general clients" and "specialty clients" e.g. indiebookclub & Kapowski, and "silo bridging clients" e.g. OwnYourSwarm, and frankly "OSS you have to build"
    [tantek] at 2022-12-19 00:46
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