218 results for "xyz/"

  • I've realized that my brainstorming for minimal reply contexts synthesized purely from knowledge of URL structure (e.g. Github issue etc.) is actually two separate things - the "Replying to a" pre-text which is specific to a reply-context, and the synthesized summary of the url e.g. "issue n on Github project xyz"
    tantek at 2018-05-02 18:02
  • One thing I have noticed today is that Jams display as "Listened to XYZ" while Listens just say "Listened XYZ", so you might add that "to" into the verb part of the taxonomy
    chrisaldrich at 2018-04-20 04:13
  • xyz@domain.com - what's part of the ux for email...
    petermolnar at 2018-03-21 18:06
  • gRegorLove: woodwind.xyz presumably? should we distinguish the project vs the .xyz deployment / service?
    tantek at 2018-03-03 21:53
  • my view on blockchains is generally when someone says: blockchains enable xyz, the truth is, blockchains enable xyz where you don't trust the government, but if you take that out of the equation, new functionality can be engineered based on existing meatspace government/civic trust to achieve the same effect if you do in fact trust your government (which most people, for the most part do, for better or worse)
    saranix at 2018-02-28 18:39
  • "likes xyz" is the kind of text that FB alredy shows in people's activities etc.
    tantek at 2018-02-20 01:52
  • I was hoping somebody had written a post "how I indiewebified the XYZ theme" or such ... :-)
    j12t at 2018-01-21 01:44
  • BanjoFox: question for me is, is there a current list of people more or less that have raised their hand and said "hey ActivityPub is really cool, I'm doing an implementation in XYZ language"
    cwebber2 at 2017-12-20 17:41
  • "I got bored and implemented my own xyz" my nightmare these days
    ajordan at 2017-11-17 22:09
  • one trick with using syndicate-to for that is there is no association between syndicate-to targets and URL patterns, so a client wouldn't know that uid=xyz corresponds to twitter
    aaronpk at 2017-11-13 16:49
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