1225 results for "*pub nick:tantek"

  • GWG, since you already know you want to talk about Micropub and Webmention, one thing you can do in preparation is pick a few of your "most important" issues on each to discuss, and if they don't have GitHub issues, make sure to file them and get some discussion first
    [tantek] at 2023-03-23 16:13
  • e.g. there have been updates/errata to Webmention, Micropub since the W3C Recommendations
    [tantek] at 2023-03-23 16:11
  • if we were to help propose a WG, what do folks here think of using that to get formal updates to both existing Recs at W3C (Webmention, Micropub, Websub) but also get new recommendations for at least IndieAuth and Microsub? (asking to get aaronpk's opinion/pref in particular)
    [tantek] at 2023-03-23 16:09
  • IMO this includes anyone who has implemented any aspect of Webmention, Micropub, ActivityPub, ActivityStreams, and possibly also IndieAuth etc.
    [tantek] at 2023-03-23 16:02
  • hashtag << Brainstorming: Needs a spec for how to federate, across any kind of system, regardless of transport (e.g. ActivityPub, Webmention). How should hashtags be detected/discovered by a hosting site (e.g. in a [[reply-context]], [[comments]] display, [[repost]], [[quote]] post, online [[social reader]]), including both in plain text, and hashtag links? When should a receiving site replace the hashtag link in content displayed
    [tantek] at 2023-03-23 01:28
  • follow << Open Issue: when you follow someone on an ActivityPub service (e.g. Mastodon account) it only shows you their subsequent posts (in contrast to traditional [[reader]]s & [[feed file]]s where you immediately see their recent posts) https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/34
    [tantek] at 2023-03-21 02:09
  • This related issue also seemed interesting: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/34 — one of the big differences between following someone in a traditional /readers vs following someone on Mastodon or other ActivityPub service.
    [tantek] at 2023-03-21 02:08
  • If more Mastodon app developers saw that they could add Micropub support in an afternoon, I bet many would do so
    [tantek] at 2023-03-10 23:33
  • We need a wiki page equivalent of something like aaronpk's IndieWeb sessions where he coded a Micropub client from scratch in mere minutes
    [tantek] at 2023-03-10 23:32
  • We need to have an easier to explain "pitch" to client developers for why/how they should adopt IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub (in that order)?
    [tantek] at 2023-03-10 23:31
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