3569 results for "nick:jeena"

  • ok, cool, just wanted to make sure you're aware of it
    Jeena at 2018-04-28 15:59
  • GWG, have you seen my comment about the podcast feed? https://jeena.net/comments/926 I only can listen to the first episode because my podcast client can't find the media in the other two items
    Jeena at 2018-04-28 15:58
  • skippy, I started with one light bulb
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 23:45
  • It's kind of a beginner level
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 22:46
  • Btw. yesterday I gave a talk at the scandinavian Free and Open Source conference called foss-north, I spoke about automating your home with Home Assistant, I published the video here https://jeena.net/fossnorth2018 if someone is interested in that topic
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 22:45
  • But I also should plan it for next year, together with a long vaccation on the US west coast, perhaps get a motorcycle or something :p
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 22:43
  • Yeah, that might be possible, absolutelly
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 22:41
  • tantek, sadly not really this year, but I should plan it some time, I'd love to go back to portland again, I just need to plan it well so I can join something like that there
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 22:40
  • sure, do that
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 20:50
  • Cool, what kind of work are you looking for
    Jeena at 2018-04-23 20:41
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