247 results for "sorting"

  • wordpress.com gutenberg editor…it used to be yoiu had to know where to click on a link icon that had a hover state near the title….horrible hidden UI…I used to spend two weeks sorting out here is my post: https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/drmacsthinkingspace.wordpress.com/33
    jgmac1106 at 2019-01-22 04:06
  • sorting a bunch of mf2 properties to a JSON file and doing some post-type detection to pick the right "template" to use
    jacky at 2018-12-30 04:28
  • ↩️ I like that idea. Perhaps between the models for IndieWeb news and @kickscondor's http://indiweb.xyz, we could create a syndicatable (pre-print) academic journal that allows sorting by top level academic disciplines. I don't recall though, [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/11/15/reply-to-greg-mcverry-about-academic-samizdat-pre-print-server/
    Loqi at 2018-11-15 23:06
  • it means the previous page. so if you are sorting from newest to oldest it means older posts. but if you are sorting oldest to newest it means newer posts.
    aaronpk at 2018-11-08 19:00
  • sorting is tricky for sure
    aaronpk at 2018-10-27 23:03
  • ha, interesting, sorting timelines by published url isn't so smart :)
    swentel at 2018-10-27 22:59
  • New security guard has been sending people away at the door. jgmac1106 is sorting things out as we speak
    Zegnat at 2018-09-28 15:41
  • Why in the world is someone putting stuff together, hashing it with "sha1" and is sorting this hash?
    heluecht[m] at 2018-09-25 20:28
  • ideally timestamp of the person tweeting (for local context) with tz offset (to enable absolute timeline sorting)
    tantek___ at 2018-09-25 02:30
  • I asked because Go parser is sorting them alphabetically. The parsing spec seems to indicate they get added as they're parsed, so would appear in the same order as they are in the document.
    gRegorLove at 2018-09-20 21:53
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