1113 results for "fail"

  • That's an interesting fail
    aaronpk at 2024-09-04 06:12
  • "The actual processing of the request is not guaranteed; a task or action may fail or be disallowed when a server tries to process it." https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/202
    pcarrier at 2024-09-03 22:21
  • [preview] [snarfed] #199 incoming webmentions with emoji chars in the source URL fail
    Loqi at 2024-08-23 17:14
  • I'll try to have it fail better
    GWG at 2024-08-20 23:22
  • I wouldn't say it was any more or less privacy-respecting (that's not super relevant here), but yes, it might have one less fail state in the browser. Not super sure on that though, and neither will work with JS disabed
    [Murray] at 2024-08-18 21:35
  • besides the technical ways that interconnection can fail, you also have a whole layer of how servers can choose to limit their connections (degeneration, etc)
    jimw at 2024-08-13 22:11
  • But, I've already added a check into the code that if it can't figure out the file type, to not fail.
    GWG at 2024-08-04 07:35
  • wow completely missed this silo fail that wasn't even that old: https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/15/22534253/irl-social-network-facebook-groups-calendar-events-messaging (died in two years)
    [tantek] at 2024-08-01 19:36
  • hmmm must have missed that. as far as the Discord channel is considered, given it starts with zero history, I fail to see how anyone would be the wiser.
    pcarrier[d] at 2024-06-02 23:29
  • aaronpk: I fail to understand why we wouldn't fix the channel we have now now, and make another better whenever we want
    pcarrier[d] at 2024-06-02 23:24
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