240 results for "sorting"

  • I sent a brief email of thanks to Blackmarket Bakery for their help (particularly prompt sorting out why power was not working Sunday morning, hah, outlet was tied to the lights) with San Diego IWC and I got a nice brief email in return from Delilah the manager there: "Hi Joe!
    [Joe_Crawford] at 2023-12-27 20:27
  • [mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski] I'm currently sorting through an export of ~2900 posts from various old blogs of mine, with the goal of getting a lot of it back online in the next few days/months. The oldest recoverable post was from 2002. I was still a teenager at the time! #blogging #indieweb (https://mastodon.online/@mstrkapowski/111632106202018760)
    Loqi at 2023-12-23 23:34
  • capjamesg no worries, we're still sorting out the metaformats issues
    angelo at 2023-12-04 00:26
  • this stuff re: sorting and managing feeds makes me think of https://indieweb.org/2018/indiealgorithm
    [jacky] at 2023-11-27 04:59
  • I also have a notion of having, like, multiple channels with different policies for sorting/expiration/etc. so that like, social feeds don’t overwhelm newsy stuff
    [fluffy] at 2023-11-27 04:36
  • Interesting idea of sorting messages by length (word count even). We had a case with payed GitHub support and guess what: their reporting interface tells you that if your inquire is shorter than X characters (a hundred or two?) it will be "starred" and usually responded to faster!
    bkil at 2023-04-27 17:15
  • gRegor: So the following came up in #dev with [tantek] . We search the wiki every now and then, and the answers don't always come easily. Would it be possible to improve both portal search performance and external SEO? Some brainstorming: include a dedicated section on each page where "hashtag" like phrases or synonyms could be typed in as commonly seen in scientific publication. This might be especially beneficial for very short, stub articles. Sorting pages
    bkil at 2023-04-17 17:43
  • This was based on sorting by date primarily, and having very variable in links.
    [KevinMarks] at 2023-04-01 21:15
  • Update from me: I know things have been continually stagnant. I'm in the process of a final house move after literally eighteen months of upheaval. I plan to spend a lot more time sorting Known out and finally finally getting a stable release out.
    [benatwork] at 2023-02-10 17:49
  • Also thanks for the great talk James, was quite informative, and gave me the nudge to finally see about sorting out webmentions on my site :)
    yousef at 2023-01-15 20:11
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