20 results for "sorting"

  • More cleanup is needed like sorting by date and improving the citation formatting but that should at least put things in clearer headings.
    [aciccarello] at 2024-03-13 09:25
  • gRegor: So the following came up in #dev with [tantek] . We search the wiki every now and then, and the answers don't always come easily. Would it be possible to improve both portal search performance and external SEO? Some brainstorming: include a dedicated section on each page where "hashtag" like phrases or synonyms could be typed in as commonly seen in scientific publication. This might be especially beneficial for very short, stub articles. Sorting pages
    bkil at 2023-04-17 17:43
  • 👆 I've made the heading changes and condensed the info that was there into a "considerations" section: https://indieweb.org/accessibility#Considerations I'm sure the language could be improved if any has any ideas 🙂 In the meantime, I'll begin sorting the rest of the page into the new subheadings
    Murray[d] at 2022-03-07 16:52
  • edited /Indigenous (+211) "/* Naming opinions */ added “reblog,” fixed sorting"
    Loqi at 2021-11-07 18:29
  • Not had much time for sorting thoughts during work today
    Zegnat at 2020-11-16 19:13
  • Seems to be doing much the same thing, yeah, but not open-source? I am interested in trialling a couple things. Still sorting out my thoughts from the IWC East weekend.
    Zegnat at 2020-11-16 19:13
  • multi-day events don't have the option of setting a start/end time (because it's rarely helpful and more often misrepresentative in a summary view), so for sorting, it uses the first possible absolute time of that date, which happens to take place before the pre-party
    aaronpk at 2020-11-13 20:24
  • heh weird sorting issue on events.indieweb.org
    aaronpk at 2020-06-21 16:31
  • Sorting is important, especially since I found the RSS feed settings.
    GWG at 2020-06-06 18:00
  • omg it's not sorting them at all! oops!
    aaronpk at 2020-04-06 19:56
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